Linked lists Our word processor is definitely going to need fast appends—appending to the document is like the main thing you do with a word proc…
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A Note On Algorithmic Complexity As we begin to create these data structures and use them in algorithms, we eventually want to consider the effi…
While a singly linked list consists of nodes with links from the one node to the next, a doubly linked list also has a link to the node before it.…
Now that you are familiar with nodes, the next step is to actually use them to build something! Linking together nodes using their next property …
Stacks are another data structure with a perfectly descriptive name. Like a queue, a stack is a linear collection of nodes that adds (pushes) data…
A queue is a linear collection of nodes that exclusively adds (enqueues) nodes to the tail, and removes (dequeues) nodes from the head of the queu…