Install Two Discuz Forum In One Single Database
So before writing this i will love to say thanks to kaaleth . Actually when i was surfing the bunch of threads of then i found this.
Install Two Discuz Forum In One Single Database
Its very simple method . Every MySQL Database have a table prefix that categorise the statements of database.
Lets start the install .....
I think many of you know how to install discuz multilingual version ( Discuz! ML ) .
If you didn't know how to install discuz then search on .
While installing you have to just choose two different prefix . If your 1st prefix is 'a' then use 2nd prefix as 'b' .
Here is the example :-
Forum 1
SQL Host - localhost
DB Name - craxme
DB User - craxo
DB Pass - 12345
DB Prefix - tab1
Admin - admin
Password - 12345
Website -
Forum 2
DB Name - craxme
DB User - craxo
DB Pass - 12345
DB Prefix - tab2
Admin - moderator
Password - mod123
Website -
You can also use the same password for both the website .
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